Super Simple Puppy Cupcakes

Dog Cup Cake_Henry500These were created with Puppy Love.

Super Simple Puppy Cupcakes

Sometimes you need a treat that’s just a matter of quick assembly.  For me, I feel the hustle at the end of the year with, what feels like, school party after party; birthdays and this year, the kids and their friends threw in a Puppy Love Wedding! (Yes. Henry and Chipie Forever.)

However, to make and enjoy these Puppy Cupcakes,  you don’t need a wedding or a dog. These cuties just spread puppy love in a cupcake form.

As a mother of 3 kids, I’ve gotten smarter and quicker which has meant using tricks to whip up fun.  I think creativity and fun are always a fun and don’t need to be hectic. To see how you can make, super simple,  Puppy Cupcakes, come with me below!

Bake your favorite cupcakes.

Embellish with store bought goods.


This is what you’ll need:

  • Cupcakes

  • Ballerina Cookies

  • Candy covered chocolates

  • Powered Sugar

  • Eye Candies

  • Icing

Dog Cup Cake_Henry500 copy

How to Assemble these Super Simple Puppy Cupcakes:

  • Dip Muffin in Powdered Sugar for White Dog Puppy Cupcake
  • Use Chocolate Muffin for Dark Dog Puppy Cupcake
  • Cut Ballerina Cookies in half.
  • Press Cookies onto the sides of the cupcakes as ears.
  • Optional: Depending on the cupcake recipe’s moistness, you might need icing to attach
  • Use the Candy coated Chocolates for eyes and noses.
  • Optional: Depending on the cupcake recipe’s moistness, you might need icing to attach.
  • Add other embellishments if you desire!
  • We added a veil made with sandwich paper.
  • We also fashioned a matching bow tie and bow with chocolate candies.

Happy Dog Puppy Cupcake making!

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1600Dog Cup Cakes as CoupleThank you for joining me. I hope that you take away a little inspiration, imagination and a small little bit of Sweden, too! If you use this tutorial, I would love to see what you do with it. I enjoy reading your mails and when you share willowday projects with me on  Instagram and  Facebook. Your opinion in valuable to me.

Willowday Wishes

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