Fruit Roll Ups

Did you love fruit roll ups, too, as a kid? (I didn’t stop there —– I still love them as an adult.) I often brought a few roll-ups back in our suitcases during US visits for the kids because until recently, they were non-existent in Sweden. Now, I’ve just started making them at home and I wish I had known years ago, how easy they were to make.
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We’re keeping a steady supply at home and, I am planning to add these, cut into hearts, as a nutritious snack to a Valentine’s Day party. Do you want to know how, too?
1600 Fruit Roll UP

With one of our children studying nutrition in their classroom and with Valentine’s Day on it’s way,  I started experimenting and wondered if I could make fruit roll-up hearts. They worked the first time we tried and I’m so happy to share this with you, today, too.  We’re making a batch of heart shaped roll-ups to a Valentine’s Day party and hope you enjoy these, too!


Cut these in strips, roll them up or make shapes.



If you’re fortunate enough to live in a climate with fresh fruit this time of the year, use fresh fruit. Good news, too, for northerners: if you live in the north, like we do,  I use frozen fruit and they worked great! 

Fruit Rolls

4 Cups Berries
Sugar — or agave or honey (Sweeten to taste)
1 t. lemon juice

  • Preheat oven to the lowest setting: 70 C (140 F.)
  • Prepare a jelly roll pan by cutting a piece of baking paper, parchment to fit the bottom.
  • In a sauce pan, place all of the berries and add sugar and lemon to taste. I used about 4 T of sugar or agave for a fresh, tart taste. Over medium heat, cook down the berries, stirring regularly. With a potato masher, press out lumps. When all of the lumps are out, it’s time to take this off the heat. This took about 10 minutes with frozen; about 5-6 with fresh berries.

(Note: I like fruit rolls ups that retain a sense of the original fruit.  If you would prefer a very smooth fruit roll up, just puree the fruit in a food processor before cooking these down. The cooking down time will be cut in half.)

  • Once you’ve taken the fruit puree off the heat, pour it on to the pre-prepared, baking paper covered, jelly roll pan. Smooth the puree out evenly. It is important that the puree has been spread evenly.
  • Place in oven.
  • Baking time will take about 6-8 hours. I’ve been making these before bed and leaving them in the oven all night long.
  • The fruit rolls ups are finished when the fruit is bound and it doesn’t stick to your finger when touched. When ready, remove from oven, cool and cut into squares or strips to roll or cut out shapes, like we did!
  • Store in a covered or sealable container.  Enjoy!


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